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How to Make an Elegant Rose Felt Flower

I have been working on a couple easy DIY flower posts; next up is the elegant rose felt flower! The elegant rose brings a loose, soft spiral to the seven flower tutorials I have in store for us. It is super easy and fun to make. Add these elegant rose felt flowers to any floral craft you have in mind. I have a couple in the works and can’t wait to share them!

The How to Make a Felt Flower Birthday Banner and How to Make a Felt Flower Mobile tutorials are up, check them out! Stay tuned for how to make a dreamcatcher with felt flowers! And who knows what else may be dreamed up!

Have fun crafting!

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Elegant Rose Felt Flower Materials


Find a flat surface to work on. Turn on the hot glue gun so it’s ready to go when you need it.

  1. Lay out your 5 x 5 inch piece of felt. Place your large mug or circular object so it fits snugly on the felt. Trace the circle with a pencil. Cut out the circle.
  1. Cut a spiral about 1/2 – 1 inch thick to the center of the circle. Try your best to keep the spiral width even. Leave a tab of felt in the center so you can glue all the elegant rose together.
  1. Start rolling the felt from the outside of the circle to the center.
  1. Once you have reached the end of rolling your felt dab some glue on the remaining tab and set the rolled flower on it. Allow the glue to dry and set the elegant rose aside. Let’s cut the inside of the flower, the stamen.
  1. Cut a 1 1/2 inch wide 1/2 thick piece of felt for the stamen. Cut notches on one side of the felt being sure not to cut all the way through. Roll up the felt and dab some glue on the bottom leaving the cut portion on top. Place the stamen in the center of the elegant rose.
  1. Grab the 2 1/2 by 2 1/2 piece of felt and cut in a convex arch from one corner to the opposite corner. Repeat the convex arch back to the original corner. You will now have a simple leaf.
  1. Load up some hot glue on a corner of the leaf then place the rose on top. Once dry you have your elegant rose felt flower!

Make just one or as many elegant rose felt flowers you like for the craft you are dreaming up!

What Can Be Composted From This Elegant Rose Felt Flower Craft?

If your felt is made of organic materials, like wool, you can compost the scraps. Thick heavy pieces of felt don’t compost well but if your pieces are small or thin throw them in there.

Give Me More Felt Flowers!

Chrysanthemum Felt Flower

Pom Pom Felt Flower

Poppy Felt Flower

Ranunculus Felt Flower

Ruffled Rose Felt Flower

Starburst Dahlia Felt Flower

Check Out These Crafts

Felt Flower Birthday Banner

Felt Flower Mobile

Lavender + Rose Floral Hoop

Wine Cork Elf Ornaments

Wire Hanger Wreath with Hearts

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